What To Do When A Loved One Refuses Help & Treatment?
Dec 09, 2020
Understanding the Impact
First, it's crucial to understand the toll this situation can take on both the individual suffering from OCD and anxiety and their loved ones. When one tries to manage the chaos, oftentimes they expend enormous amounts of energy and effort accommodating the individual, which can lead to built-up resentment and emotional exhaustion.
Education: The First Step to Change
1. Educate Yourself and Your Loved Ones
Matt emphasizes the importance of education as the first step. Understanding OCD and anxiety, knowing what options are available for treatment, and using resources like books, courses, and support groups can be immensely beneficial. At Restored Minds, a variety of resources are offered, ranging from online training to live group calls.
Actionable Tip
: Explore educational materials and share your knowledge with your loved ones. Use reliable sources like Restored Minds and other credible mental health websites.
No Accommodations: A Firm Approach
2. Stop Accommodating
Once educated, clear communication becomes vital. Inform your loved one that you will no longer accommodate their behaviors, making it clear that this decision is for their benefit as well as your own well-being.
Actionable Tip
: Have direct and honest discussions about the new boundaries and expectations in your household.
Setting Boundaries and Responsibilities
3. Draw Clear Boundaries
Setting firm boundaries and holding your loved one accountable for their responsibilities is essential. This means not taking over their tasks or shielding them from the natural consequences of their actions.
Actionable Tip
: Reinstate responsibilities they might have previously relinquished, such as contributing to rent or household chores.
Allowing Natural Consequences
4. Let Real-Life Consequences Happen
It’s difficult but essential to let loved ones face the natural consequences of their actions, such as being late to work. This often illuminates the severity of their situation and can act as a catalyst for change.
Actionable Tip
: Resist the urge to rescue them from every potential hardship. Allow them to experience the real-world impacts of their behaviors.
Considering Tough Love
5. Take Drastic Measures If Necessary
In extreme cases, it might be necessary to ask your loved one to leave the household to prevent further enabling and encourage self-reliance. As tough as it sounds, sometimes a drastic wake-up call is needed.
Actionable Tip
: If all else fails, consider professional advice and support regarding how to navigate this challenging step.
Dealing with a loved one who refuses help for OCD and anxiety is undoubtedly difficult. However, by educating yourself and your loved ones, setting boundaries, eliminating accommodations, and allowing real-life consequences, you can create an environment conducive to positive change. Remember, support is available. Restored Minds offers various resources to help you through this journey.