Letting Go of Control During Crisis
Apr 29, 2020
Why Are We So Obsessed with Control?
In our daily lives, the attempt to control situations beyond our reach often sparks anxiety, worry, and numerous problems. When we exert effort to control the uncontrollable, we drain our energy and end up feeling defeated and overwhelmed. This phenomenon is particularly evident during crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Understanding Control and Anxiety:
Future-Based Fears:
Anxiety often stems from future-based fears. For instance, concerns about contracting the coronavirus or financial instability can trigger anxiety.
Definition of Anxiety Disorders:
Anxiety disorders arise when we try to control or become certain about things that are inherently uncertain.
The Illusion of Control
Understanding that control is often an illusion is crucial. We cannot control events such as getting sick or encountering an accident. While preventive actions are essential, the need to control every aspect of life is counterproductive.
Why We Feel the Need to Control:
Underlying Beliefs:
Many people believe that the future will be negative unless they intervene.
Emotional Disturbance:
Sometimes, our need to control stems from an internal emotional disturbance, which we attempt to neutralize by controlling our environment.
How to Let Go of Control
Letting go of control involves a shift in mindset. Instead of trying to control every situation, ask yourself why you feel the need to control it in the first place. Challenge the underlying beliefs about your inability to handle potential outcomes.
Steps to Let Go of Control:
Identify What You Can and Cannot Control:
Focus on actions within your control, such as buying groceries, while letting go of things beyond your control.
Develop Trust in Yourself:
Build internal trust and competence by believing in your ability to handle whatever comes your way.
Adopt a Positive Outlook:
Instead of fearing the future, trust that things can work out positively.
Be Present:
Focus on the present moment, rather than fretting about the uncertain future.
The Benefits of Letting Go
When you let go of the need to control, you attain a greater sense of internal peace. This newfound tranquility enhances your ability to manage yourself and your relationships better.
Benefits Include:
Improved Mental Clarity:
Making decisions with a clear mind.
Better Relationships:
Being present for loved ones without the distraction of anxiety.
Personal Growth:
Embracing situations that promote resilience and growth.
Practical Tips for Managing Anxiety
Journaling Exercise: Take some time this week to journal about what you’re trying to control that's beyond your control. Reflect on how these attempts are causing inner turmoil and consider letting go.
Community Support: If you’re grappling with anxiety, visit Restored Minds. We offer free assessments, an Overcoming Anxiety program, weekly live calls, and a supportive community.
Conclusion: Letting go of control isn’t about indifference; it’s about focusing your energy on what you can influence and trusting in your ability to handle the rest. This approach can help you navigate crises more effectively and find a sense of peace amidst chaos.