Happy New Year - Anxiety Recovery 2020
Jan 08, 2020
1. Leave 2019 Behind
One of the biggest obstacles to progress is dwelling on past experiences. It’s easy to compare your current state to past lows and assume that improvement will only come in small, incremental steps. This mindset can limit what's actually possible for you.
Comparative Mindset: Often, we use a business growth model to track our progress, such as comparing this year's achievements to last year's metrics. While understanding past progress is beneficial, it can also set mental limits on what you believe is achievable.
Breaking Free from the Past: Imagine your recovery can experience exponential growth regardless of how long you’ve suffered. Whether you've been struggling with anxiety, OCD, or depression for months or even decades, it doesn't have to dictate your future.
Consider sitting down and reflecting on 2019—write down the good, the bad, and the lessons learned. Then, let it go. Start this year fresh and open to the idea that 2020 can be the year you achieve unprecedented success in your recovery journey.
2. Believe in Your Recovery
Belief is a powerful driver of behavior. If you don’t believe recovery is possible, your actions will likely reflect that doubt, limiting your progress. On the other hand, a strong belief in your potential for recovery will fuel positive behaviors and, ultimately, your success.
Adopt New Beliefs: It's crucial to replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones. Whether a therapist or someone else told you that your condition is chronic and irreversible, understand that this is just one perspective. Choose to believe that you can and will recover.
Stories of Success: Numerous individuals, including myself and others who've gone through our programs, have achieved recovery despite initial doubts. Holding onto empowering beliefs can propel you towards the same success.
3. Take Full Responsibility for Your Health
When it comes to health—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—taking full responsibility means not outsourcing your well-being to external factors.
Ownership: Many people blame their health issues on external factors like processed foods, a particular therapist, or family members. However, full responsibility means taking control of your actions and decisions.
Holistic Approach: At Restored Minds, we acknowledge that mental health is just one piece of the overall health puzzle. Physical, emotional, and spiritual health are equally important. Ask yourself: What does it mean to be 100% responsible for my health in all these areas?
Consider what your life would look like if you took complete ownership of your health. What kind of results could you achieve? This mindset will help you approach problems differently and encourage behavior that leads to better outcomes.
As we step into 2020, let’s make it a year of transformation. Remember to:
Leave 2019 behind.
Fully believe in your ability to recover.
Take full responsibility for your health in all aspects.