What is it like to have OCD & Anxiety?

anxiety anxiety is difficult experience of anxiety experience of ocd experience of ocd & anxiety experience with ocd how to recover from ocd i have anxiety i have ocd i have ocd and anxiety lens of anxiety lens of ocd lens of ocd and anxiety living with ocd & anxiety mental health obsessive compulsive disorder ocd & anxiety recovery process stress anxiety what is it like to have ocd & anxiety? what is ocd Nov 04, 2021

In this episode, I want to talk about the experience of living with OCD & Anxiety. Being open and transparent about your experience with OCD & Anxiety is difficult, most people never actually take this step. But it is such a critical part of the recovery process. 


I often hear a lot of frustrations from my clients about how hard it is to effectively communicate the experience of OCD & Anxiety. I also hear a lot of frustrations from family and loved ones because they don’t understand what is going on in the mind of the person who is struggling. This often leads to people diminishing the individual's experience, and the person with OCD & anxiety feeling unheard.


Today I actually want to talk about what it is like to have OCD & Anxiety and some practice steps to take for both people that are struggling and their support system. 

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