How To deal with Self-Harm and Intrusive Thoughts

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In this episode, we are going to talk about how to deal with intrusive thoughts related to self-harm. Intrusive thoughts related to self-harm are often very painful and confusing for the individual. Additionally, these thoughts generally do not reflect the true desires of the individual.


In this episode, we are also going to differentiate and discuss the idea between intrusive thoughts that are related to self-harm versus actual suicidal ideation. 


Due to the serious nature of these thoughts, it is important that if you are in fact dealing with thoughts and desires related to self-harm, or engaging in dangerous self-harming behavior you seek help immediately. 


Please immediately go to the nearest emergency room or contact 911 or emergency services in your area.

Here is the number for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255 and this is their website (

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