Walk away with a clear understanding of Intrusive Thoughts and KNOWING the Exact Strategies you need to overcome them...
Get Access For Only $97
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Start Taking Back Control
A Quick Message From Matt
First… I want to make sure this is relevant for you.
If you wrestle with intrusive thoughts it is very likely that you often get flooded with thoughts or images in your mind that are the exact opposite of what you really desire. In fact, you probably find these thoughts so disturbing that their mere presence causes you a ton of anxiety, guilt, and shame.
We're going to cover common examples, common compulsions, case studies, and the best treatment strategies for ALL the following "taboo" themes:




Sexual Orientation






If you experience these things, then this is for you.
(and if not… you can still read it… heck even enroll… but know, in honest truth, it won’t be as effective for you…)
Meet Your Workshop Host

Matt is a licensed clinical social worker and has specialized in helping people overcome OCD & Anxiety-Related disorders for over a decade. Matt is the founder of Restored Minds and the creator of the Triple-A Response®.
Here Are The Important Details…
We're going to cover common experiences of intrusive thoughts, common compulsions, case studies, and the best treatment strategies for different intrusive thoughts.
When you enroll you will get Lifetime Access to the Replays as well.Â
This works ONLY if you’re ready to take this seriously and apply what you learn – By enrolling in the workshop you’re proving that you’re worth this and that you deserve this–and then you’re going to take what you learn and apply it.
Yes, there is a Complete 14-Day Money Back Guarantee for this workshop - so if you are unsatisfied for ANY reason, simply email my team at [email protected] and we will issue you a complete refund... And you can keep the replays.
Will the replay be available?
What if I don't feel like it's worth it?
Can I ask questions during the workshop?
How will I access the workshop?
Enroll to the Workshop Now!
We guarantee that by the end of the workshop you'll walk away with a clear understanding of Taboo Intrusive Thoughts and what you need to do to overcome them ...OR YOUR MONEY BACK!
Get Access For Only $97